02 Feb Bricky Shirt
Category: Personal

By no means a replacement of the Cocoia Exploded Settings tee, but I wanted to wear this and I was told others enjoyed it as well. Represent the new era of online video – which plays fullscreen without crashing your Mac, hopefully.

This shirt will be available soon for a limited time. Drop a comment if you’d also like one. Price will be 22.50 for any size of American Apparel, due to the slightly higher print costs that go with the three-color high-quality printing process.

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182 Responses

  1. 1

    I want one! :)

  2. 2

    I’ll grab a small :).

  3. 3

    Aww how wonderful! One for me, please. Medium Size.

  4. 4

    Would love one, if it’s available to me, in the UK?

  5. 5

    Moet ik zo hebben!!!

  6. I would love one.

  7. 7

    Yes please!

  8. 8
    Chuck Toporek 

    Yes, please. Want a Bricky T.

  9. 9
    james osborne 

    Yeah. I’ll be having one too

  10. 10

    Sign me up for one to !

  11. Haha awesome! I’d very much like one of those shirts please!

  12. 12

    +1 XL please.

  13. 13

    One here, please!

  14. 14
    Chris Chapman 

    Ooh, yes please.

  15. 15

    I’d love one! Size “M”. Awesome.

  16. 16

    Oeh, looks nice! Hebbe! :)

  17. 17

    Definitely want a Medium ofthat awesome shirt. How will we know it’s available, from the blog?

  18. 18

    Definitely interested! I want a large. Very nice!

  19. 19

    Not sure if these Tees will still be available, but I’d be interested in a small, maybe medium! :)

  20. 20

    Awful! One M for me please.

  21. 21

    Oh yesss!! I want oneee

  22. 22

    Oooh, yes, please.

  23. 23

    would love to buy one!

  24. 24
    Phil Retay 

    I will take a large please.

  25. 25
    Yanik Magnan 

    Definitely interested.

  26. 26

    Yea, I’ll definitely be getting one of these. Small.

  27. 27
    Jordan Kay 

    I would like a shirt, please! Medium.

  28. 28
    Jordan Kay 

    I would like a shirt, please! Medium.

  29. 29

    Beautiful! That T-shirt rocks!

  30. 30
    Felipe Cepriano 

    I’d like one, if a year and two months is covered under “little time”

  1. 31
    Bricky | lookingforatshirt.com (via Pingback)

    […] out of running shirts that haven’t even been printed yet, but Sebastiaan de With’s Bricky is just too damn rad to not mention […]

  2. […] and icons. Sebastiaan is easily recognized in Drachten wearing his Exploded Settings Icon or Bricky shirt and toting an iPad. Classics is one of the first popular e-readers on the iPhone, offering public […]