I’ve been writing on this little blog — the blog with the name nobody can pronounce — since 2007. I’ve posted about user interfaces, procedurally generated art, typography, games, my life, and many more things. But all good, hilariously poorly coded things come to an end.
Cocoia, as a company, was retired last year when I joined doubleTwist and moved to the United States. Today, this blog, too, will be retired, in favor of dewith.com, my personal blog. Sebastiaan de With’s blog, I call it.
I even posted a list on the new blog of stuff you may be looking for when you look me up on Google. I’ll keep this place online, but it’ll be in stasis. It’s been a fun ride and I’ll remember and preserve the good times we had on this old website (remember when the original creators of Photoshop came by? Ah, fun times). I am happy I’ll be able to finally write again.