Icon Resource sale
Category: IconResource
For the next week, Icon Resource will be a full 30 euro cheaper – over 35% off – in anticipation of the announcement of Icon Resource 2.0. The second version of Icon Resource will be a sizable update with a slew of new ‘courses’, which are all free for existing members.
Keep an eye on the blog for the big announcement and preview of all the new content, resources, and features. I can’t wait to show off some of the great stuff that’s cooking!
A note to all folks that are purchasing the membership this week: I will be unavailable this weekend, so support email and other inquiries will be unanswered until Monday.
Sweet! I might be able to pay it now, as a poor student :)
Sounds great Sebastiaan, really looking forward to it. So if I buy IconResource now with the 35% off I’ll be able to get the update to 2.0 for free?
Christopher: Correct! :)
So are the 65€ already with the discount?
I can finally afford it! Thanks!
Hey that’s awesome Sebastiaan. I got a lot out of the videos, they really helped me get going, so looking forward the new content. Really cool of you to make it a free update for existing users. Thanks.
2.0 is coming soon? Man that’s exciting!
On Friday I paid and the login information that I received doesn’t work. I get page that says “Sorry, can’t let you through. You don’t have sufficient privileges to view this area!” (It clearly recognizes the username/password though — if I enter a random password, it simply reprompts for a login instead.)
I emailed you about this Friday, but I still haven’t heard anything back. Since it’s the weekend I’ll wait a couple more days before doing a chargeback.
great, will it have stereo sound this time? :)
Scott: Due to database failure, there were some serious issues with login / account services. Please try again or contact support at info@cocoia.com. My apologies!
Hey Sebastian,
Is Icon Resource still planned for September or has it been pushed back to a later date as I don’t see v2 on the site yet.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Hi Sebastian,
Any updated on the Icon Resource site? You mentioned an August release and Novemeber has quickly snuck up on us and I’ve been eagerly anticipating the update.
Any news on the IconResource Ver. 2.0 been a while since the anticipated August release and November is over. Any chance for a December Chrismas gift. :)
Eistrom: you didn’t supply an email so I’ll reply to you here:
I’m working hard to get it out this month, but I’m trying to get it really right. I’ll post news about it very soon.
Sebastiaan: That is great news. I’ll let you get back to your work.
Looking forward to the news and the sneak peak icon you’ll be showing :)