22 Jul Webclipping it the right way.
Category: Design, iPhone, News

Priidu Zilmer, of zilmer.com famehas a nice post and Photoshop sample file available for those of you that want to make crisp Webclip icons for your website. Webclip icons are the images iPhones and iPod touches use when adding a website to the home screen. Since I can’t use a web application for iPhone when the icon sucks, I urge those to whom it may concern to check it out.

Incidentally, this is my first blogpost made with the iPhone native application ‘WordPress’. I like it so far!

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4 Responses

  1. 1

    Maybe this howto is even more helpful:



  2. 2

    Cool, thanks! I’ve got mine up and running :)

  3. 3

    The iPhone and iPod Touch with software v2.0 now properly render Web Clip icons. Now, you can actually use a 57×57 image and end up with a pixel perfect icon.

    I posted my findings and some examples here

  4. Thanks for this. It was helpful.
