13 Jun Hold off the funeral…
Category: Announcement, News

Because there’s life in the blog yet!

In the last month and few weeks, I’ve had an astonishing time in my life where I had a hectic moving of home and office, a set of challenging projects to work on with hugely talented people and world-class products, and other time-consuming challenges I had to overcome to get back to my regular life. As a young individual running his own startup business, it’s not very easy to get a mortgage and to learn about everything that comes with such a big step in life. I’ve also released a few details of what I’ve been working on, with a lot of updates coming soon, including the long-awaited Orion Extended freeware icon set that’s fully ready for replacing the system icons on your Mac or PC.

There’s also a small change in the blog; if you visit the Cocoia Blog on your iPhone or iPod Touch now, you will be served a special optimized version that’ll make it easier to read content, navigate your way around, and load on low-bandwidth data connections.


This version is powered by the powerful WPTouch plugin, by Bravenewcode. Mad props to them for making such a quality plugin available; I’ve applied some of my own design work on it and took out a few of its features because I found them less than necessary, but I can certainly recommend it if you are looking for a solution to bring your content to iPhone.

I hope you all enjoy this small addition to the blog as I prepare new and exciting content.

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One Response

  1. Really nice.
    So much so that I whipped out my iPhone to try it out.
