Ditch the Glass Leopard dock with a few keystrokes.
Michel Jansen, fellow Dutch blogger, uncovered a system setting to use the new “on-the-side” Dock on the bottom too (which a lot of you asked for in my last post).
Open Terminal.app and enter;
defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock
Before and after images at the source. Thanks Michel!
Oh noice! :)
Sorry to making somehow an advertising here, but I’ve just released a tool to make this simpler: 2DOrNot2D – http://www.eternalstorms.at/utilites/2dornot2d
Please, if you do not want that here, just remove this entry.
In stead of killall Dock, type:
osascript -e ‘tell application “Dock” to quit