30 Jun
   Filed Under: Goodies, Wallpapers   

After Apple showed off its new Snow Leopard artwork and packaging, I immediately wanted to update my previous wallpaper, which was based on the first artwork Apple had made for it. However, I had a lot of other things to do during and after WWDC. Now, finally, after a few weeks of picking away at this during night hours, I present you new Snow Leopard wallpapers. There’s even a Server edition.


By popular demand, versions have also been included without the giant ‘X’.

It goes without saying that this wallpaper is intended for personal usage and desktop customization only. I cannot guarantee your safety if you use it on cars, nuclear devices, and other things that are obviously not your desktop. Mac OS X 10.6 ‘Snow Leopard’ is © 2009, Apple Inc.

28 Dec
   Filed Under: Goodies, Icon Design, Personal Work, Wallpapers   

A while back I also previewed a wallpaper made out of a personal experiment where I recreated Leopard’s awesome System Preferences icon at 2 by 2 meters. Since the detail is sufficient, people requested the wallpaper-sized version. It’s too busy as a wallpaper to my tastes, but with the older aluminium Macs, it’s fun to fullscreen it and create a really big System Preferences icon :)

Grab it here:

And yes, it also serves as a great first test of my inline blog download button!