16 Jun
   Filed Under: Personal   

Wow, that was fun. A couple of awesome days in San Francisco with over half of the Mac and iPhone community walking around, meeting great people, having great food, and even seeing a keynote.


In this post, I quickly summarize my impressions of WWDC, and show off my last photos and an HD movie of the queuing for the keynote, getting some shirts printed, a pigeon, and much more.

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10 Jun
   Filed Under: Giveaways   

I got a lot of responses on my WWDC shirt post earlier, and since I got the first batch printed, I have some that I’d like to give away! By the way, people now in San Francisco for WWDC are eligible, but you have better luck buying one off me when you run into me this week.


In my last giveaway, I asked you to comment, blog, or tweet about my look at Billings. This time, I’d like to ask you to take a picture of my work in action; it can be an icon of interface I designed, a logotype, print work, or just your workspace using my icons or wallpapers (of which there are much more coming up soon!). Upload it to flickr (or another photo-sharing website) with the tag “cocoiagiveaway” and a link back to this post.

Leave a comment with the link, and be sure to fill the ’email’ field in the comment form with your actual email so I can contact you for address information when you win!

The deadline for entries is Sunday, June 14th. Winners will be announced next week.

06 Jun
   Filed Under: Personal   

Today was a pretty special day in San Francisco for me: it wasn’t just special because I had a truckload of work to do, but also because I had one of my first meetups with internet friends from Macrabbit. You might know them from the excellent CSSEdit.


The Moscone is looking awesome this year. There’s some gorgeous façade artwork on display – there’s a lot more images of it in this post, as well as a look at the banners they hung up inside. But those weren’t the only huge icons on display since today, since me and Sean designed a truly massive print ad for doubleTwist that’s displayed on the side of the flagship Apple Store. It hit TechCrunch after it had been up there for an hour. Some great images of that further into the post as well.

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04 Jun
   Filed Under: Personal   

Well, after a solid 13 hour trip and a beefy walk around town I’ve set up base here in San Francisco again. In the next few days, I’ll be posting updates on WWDC meetings, announcements, the first shirt printing, and my presentation at Cocoaheads WWDC.

Some more images of my first day follow.
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02 Jun
   Filed Under: Personal   

With just a little over 24 hours to go until I am airplane-bound for 13-14 hours for my trip to San Francisco, I’ve packed my bags. Ever since I first flew internationally on my own I have a simple process that I’ve refined over time which helps me get through the long flight, stay connected with home while I’m away, and makes sure I never miss anything should have with me on my trip.


This is my ‘field pack’ (there are many like it, but this one is mine). It’s really the stuff I want to have within arm’s reach when I am on the plane, and also once I’m on back on the ground. I fill up the two iPhones with video and audio entertainment, and a few games. The Incase battery slider (top left) gives me a full iPhone battery charge (for the iPhone 3G) so I can watch some video on the other iPhone without depleting all of its necessary juice. The iPod is an external hard drive for my slighly crammed 80GB Macbook Pro. It may be almost three quarters of a decade old, but it works just fine for that. This month’s choice of book: Frank Herbert’s Dune. Last time I read it, I was 14 years old. Unfortunately, I don’t have the English version handy.

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01 Jun
   Filed Under: Announcement, Design, Drawing, Personal Work   

It’s official: I never had as much giggles in an evening designing this poster for Cocoaheads WWDC. Scott asked me if I’d like to speak at the well-known Mac developer event, and I happily obliged. I also did a bit of poster art for the presentation screen and for, well, fun.


The lineup of speakers:

It’ll be held Wednesday June 10th, 7-9PM, at the Stockton St. Apple Store in San Francisco.

I’m really looking forward to WWDC this year. Hope to see you all at Cocoaheads or elsewhere during the week!

And yes, those are little Xcode hammers in the smoke.