To explain the last ‘post’; I’d like to introduce you to the linked item. It’s a tumblr-esque way of posting links to cool stuff without making a whole post. Let me know if it somehow breaks, as I’ve hacked it into WordPress myself, and I’m not much of a PHP ninja, if you know what I mean! :)
Now that I’m releasing a wallpaper, I might as well add another one that was also requested when I posted images of my desk on flickr. It’s a series, with varying grades of subtlety. They all come in 2560×1600 resolution, so scale it down and crop it to accomodate your resolution. Add a little sharpening after resizing for extra effect!
Please respect my work by using this only as a computer wallpaper, and not in your projects, be it commercial or otherwise.
A while back I also previewed a wallpaper made out of a personal experiment where I recreated Leopard’s awesome System Preferences icon at 2 by 2 meters. Since the detail is sufficient, people requested the wallpaper-sized version. It’s too busy as a wallpaper to my tastes, but with the older aluminium Macs, it’s fun to fullscreen it and create a really big System Preferences icon :)
Grab it here:
And yes, it also serves as a great first test of my inline blog download button!
After over one and a half years, the sheer repugnancy of Icon Designer, my portfolio website, and my blog started to embarass me to such an extent that I was forced to design something I could live with. It also gave me a much-needed reason to do some real modifications to the blog to lower the posting threshold for myself. Check out the new websites, the cool new icons and client work, and read on, as I will need your help, and tell you a bit more about the new designs.