07 Jan
   Filed Under: Apple, Design, Icon Design, Interface Design, News   

Of course, I watched the Macworld SF keynote yesterday, and apart from noticing the iWork.com icon, I also saw all sorts of nice UI changes and icons. I skimmed through Apple’s new online guided tours and walkthroughs and I’ve compiled a (far from exhaustive) roundup of all the fancy new UI stuff in the iWork and iLife ’09.

I’ve divided this post into areas of interest, and not by application, as I have no access to iLife ’09 yet, and I think that the changes and additions to the interface design serve themselves much better to being divided into logical groups that go beyond just the product itself.

Continue reading…

06 Jan
   Filed Under: Design, Goodies, Icon Design, Personal Work   

Now here’s some speed icon drawing! :)

I did this simple icon drawing of Apple’s just-announced iWork.com service, which was previewed in the keynote on a slide. I based this icon off that.

Grab it here:

Again, please do not use for anything other than personal computer customization. iWork.com’s logo and name are trademarks of Apple Inc.