16 May Pre desktop Goodie

Sometimes, I like to do a little bit of icon speed drawing. Like with my iWork.com icon goodie, I completed these icons in a short time of about 2 hours total. I really like the Palm Pre‘s web browser icon, so I speed-designed 3 of the nice-looking icons on the Pre’s launcher screen for usage on your Mac or PC.


They’re not amazingly detailed or even polished at their maximum size of 512 pixels, but that wasn’t my intention, either. Consider that a disclaimer before you start commenting that they don’t look nice enough to you at that size ;).

These icons are intended for personal usage and desktop customization only. Palm Pre, the Palm branding and its icons are © 2008-2009, Palm.

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14 Responses

  1. 1

    whoa, I was just browsing your blog when you published this. amazing icons, love the globe :d downloading now

  2. hey, if this is speed drawing, i wonder how the polished one look like.

    just kiddin’ i know u’re doing a great job!

  3. Unbelievable how fast you are. Apparently you know some tricks I do not cuz I could spend 8 hours total and still not come up with something as good. If only The Matrix were real then I could say, “Tank I need a program for drawing fast and beautiful icons… on and I guess Kung Fu while you’re at it.” After Tank did his thing, I would say, “I know Cocoia… oh and Kung Fu too.”

  4. 4

    Whoa, these are great. It sure doesn’t look like speed drawing! Looks like speed typing though, Pre “deskop”. Haha. Anyway thanks for these.

  5. 5
    Rich D. 

    Nicely done! Speed-designing… is there any other kind of designing? ;-)

  6. 6

    Jonathan: haha :D

    Domenic: Typo fixed.

    Rich: Thanks for coming ’round and commenting. This is one of the WebOS designers, folks!

  7. 7

    The globe is really cool!!!

  8. 8
    Marcus Pedersen 

    You should make a a fox around the “earth” icon, that would be an awesome firefox icon!

  9. 9

    awesome! finally something decent to replace the mail icon, i hate all the blue on my dock, eenheidsworst! ; [

  10. 10

    Amazing work! What apps/tools do you use to do your speed-design?

  11. 11
    Creative ideas 

    Thanks for freebies! Respect

  12. 12

    Hey! I love the icons, great job!

    I’m wondering what kind of commercial restrictions apply to these icons, you say that they belong to Palm but have you not created these? You can reach me at marcus@rodert.se

    Thanks in advance and again, great work!!

  13. 13
    Roni Gomes 

    Obrigado, muito bom!

  1. […] files (Illustrator). The icons are free for use in both personal and commercial projects.MacBookPre Desktop GoodieThey’re not amazingly detailed or even polished at their maximum size of 512 pixels, but that […]